Google Doodles

Yeah, it's a little off topic, but kind-of semi-related in that it's about logos, and your logo is really your most direct representation of your company or brand and that's what all retail display and advertising boils down to - a representation of your brand.

I'm sure you've noticed that on most days of note Google's logo undergoes a transformation into something that, while maintaining the basic elements of the logo, reflects the occasion of the day. That new logo is called a Google Doodle:

If you thought they seemed to be happening more and more regularly, well, you'd be right. In October of 2009 alone there were 51 variants of the logo world wide. It's even more remarkable when you consider that the majority are designed by the same guy - Dennis Hwang.

Anyway Google have now put all of them online, dating back to 1998. It's really interesting to see how much the doodles, and the Google logo itself has evolved since then. So take a look and get inspired for you next advertising mission!


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